sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017

Groan with Antiphons - An Interview

Lembram-se de que o indie rock era algo bacana e não depreciativo? Indie era sim uma parada foda, exemplos de indies clássicos, Pavement, Built to Spill, Grandaddy, e por ai vai, todos sinônimos de música de qualidade, muito além da pasmaceira fake que assola os quatro cantos do mundo, sinal de que os tempos precisam de uma reviravolta, ou não.

Seguindo a trilha dos heróis do indie college estadunidense dos 90´s, chega as páginas do TBTCI, o Antiphons e seu debute "Groan", indie até a medula sem ser ridículo. 

Os caras acertaram na media sem devaneios exagerados, sem soar nostálgicos demais, e olhando para o futuro.

Uma bela amostra de que o indie ainda vale a pena.

***** Interview with Antiphons *****

Q. When did Antiphons start? Tell us about the history...
1. Antiphons began as a solo project of mine (Brian Dove) in 2011. It started as sort of a lofi/bedroom folk project and I released a few EPs under the name, which can now be found here: https://briandove.bandcamp.com/. In 2013, I put together a band for shows, which disbanded for a bit when I moved to Oregon in early 2014. I moved back to Richmond in March of 2015 with the beginnings of what became our new record.

Q: Who are your influences?
2. Oh man...I have a lot of influences, but here are a few that shaped my songwriting: Pedro the Lion, Anathallo, Andy Shauf...and a lot of contemporary U.S. East coast bands like Leapling, Peaer, Mannequin Pussy, Mitski. All my friends' bands. Also I am influenced by a lot of non-musical things like food, the weather, animals, my geographical location, the humans I surround myself with.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3. This question is so hard :( I really can't.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
4. I love playing live ~ I tend to get super nervous and anxious right before a set, but then sort of zone out as soon as we start playing. I close my eyes a lot so I don't have to look at people, it can be distracting. But yeah I love playing shows.

Q. How do you describe Antiphons sounds?
5. Spacey, emotive, half-rock

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6. We recorded these songs at a studio in Mechanicsville, Virginia called The Virginia Moonwalker. It's in a little old house in the woods, where we recorded the drums, bass, and rhythm guitar all live in the same room to a reel-to-reel tape machine. Then we dubbed over vocals, lead guitar, and some additional instruments digitally. We did this all in a weekend and it ruled.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
7. They're not all *super new* but I am currently listening to: Ian Sweet, Warehouse, The Spirit of the Beehive, Mannequin Pussy, & Lance Bangs a whole lot. There's a new Virginia band called ING that is killin it right now.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
8. We actually just recorded a cover for Mash Notes vol 1: Richmond Covers Richmond, a compilation album I'm helping put together of Richmond bands covering other bands from Richmond. We covered a song by my pal Paul Ivey called Casual Wayne. (https://vimeo.com/199613448)

Q: What are your plans for the future?
9. We're going to tour the East coast & midwest USA in late March/early April for a bit, then come back home and keep working on our second record, which we hope to record over the summer.

Q: Any parting words?
10. Long live Citrus City Records
